
aLL AbOuT mE......

This is just a little website about me & what I believe in. Just something for me to have and something for my friends to look at. I hope you all enjoy!

My Hobbies......
I like to collect Contemperary Christian Albums such as Pillar, Relient K, Plumb, Skillet, Five Iron Frenzy, Jars of Clay, Delirious?, Switchfoot, Audio Adrenaline, POD, Urban D, Super Chic{k}, Waterdeep, Thousand Foot Krutch, Kutless, Ten Shekel Shirt, Big Daddy Weave, Mercy Me, Newsboys, Third Day, etc.......

I love Italian food.....I am such a pasta junkie!

I love to build webpages!!!

I like to run, act, kiyak, hang with my buds, and just be me!

I like to keep Scrapbooks!

I like to be creative.....I mean, my brain is here for something!

I love life!!!!!!

Webpages I have built!
I have built numerous webpages for some buds of mine that are in Christian Rock bands. Here are just a few.... The first one is Atom 12. They have the sound of Ace Trouble Shooter, MxPx, and kind of like the sound of Sum41. These boyz have talent & a passion for God! Check em out & hit the message board.

The second one is Chizel 21. They are some dear buds of mine from Cartersville, GA. These boys have a very unique style of music....that's why I love em. Even better than that, the strive to sing and perform for God and God alone. Check them out & hit the message board as well!

I will post more on here as they become more close to being done!

More about me......
Well I am 19 years old. I have Graduated from Surry Central High, and I am planning on going to Surry Community College to get a Degree in Building Webpages.

I was saved when I was 9 years old. I was saved on Labor Day of 1993. I remember it just like it was yesterday! I was sitting on my bunk bed (top bunk) When I was just flipping through my Bible. Melton Williams, a man who was Interim Pastoring at my church told me that a good place to read in the Bible was in the book of John. So I began reading in it. About a hour later....I remember feeling something deep inside...something that just screamed my name...and I knew it was good, and I knew it was real and that I just had to have it. I felt so empty, and I knew that this could fill me up. So I got off bunk, and I got in the floor. I got down on my knees and I prayed a sincere prayer. I knew that I had to have Jesus. And there that day, at home on my knees by my bunk bed, I was saved, and I have never been the same since!

If you wanna know more......E-mail me!
Check out my other pages for more info!